Sydney Guided Healing Meditation by Nature - Senka
Meditations by nature in Sydney Australia
Guided Nature Meditation by Senka with birds

Welcome to Meditation in Sydney by Senka

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If you suffer from stress, anxiety, worry, fear, depression or illness, then keep reading… Course dates are on the Meditation Course panel below.

“Discover Why Hundreds Claim Meditation in Sydney Has Changed Their Lives” If you’re sick and tired of being sick and tired, then you’re in the right place.

My name is Senka, and I’m the founder of Earth Element Healing and Guided Meditation in Sydney. For the past 30 years I’ve been helping people eliminate stress and get more energy, clarity and focus through meditation. In the past decade I’ve aligned my energies with the elements of earth, fire, sky, air and water and channel through the celestial beings in my meditation classes that transform many areas of your life, so there’s never been a better time to join the five week course.

Which of the following do you suffer from?

• Stress and Worry
• Fear and Paranoia
• Restless Sleep
• Anxiety and Panic attacks
• Depression
• Loss of Motivation
• Weight Issues
• High Blood Pressure
• Stress related illnesses such as ulcers
• Emotional blocks preventing your relationships from blossoming
• Lack of confidence, focus or concentration? and the list goes on…

It doesn’t matter if you suffer from more than one of these issues my meditation course & healings can help you!

To find out more, have a look around the website. If your based in Sydney, and would like to attend one of my meditation courses then click on one of the four images below the video to secure your booking.

Welcome to meditations by Senka to assist with healing, ascension and awakening

We have been through such difficult times in the past few years.
Looking forward to assisting as many as I can to overcome stress, anxiety, depression and more!
Join me with the practise of my unique guided chakra healing meditation and experience your ailments wash away.

Next 5 week course starts Monday the 21st October at 8.30pm 2024 (Currently 7 spots left)
Taking Bookings!

Join me to help you stay grounded, balanced & calm, assisting you with finding your power, inner peace & health.
The 4 month meditation course pack, will make an ideal gift for the people you care about.

I am available for one to one healing by appointment only during the week.

• Studio Monday Meditation Course – 2nd Sept – 30th Sept 24 (SOLD OUT)
• Studio Monday Meditation Course – 15th July – 12th August 24 (SOLD OUT)
• Studio Monday Meditation Course – 27th April – 24th June 24 (SOLD OUT)
• Studio Friday Meditation Course – 5th April – 3rd May 24 (SOLD OUT)
• Studio Monday Meditation Course – 8th April – 6th May 24 (SOLD OUT)
• Studio Friday Meditation Course – 16th Feb – 15th March 24 (SOLD OUT)

The video above shares great results and benefits gained by attendees from the 1st meditation course this year.

Senka / Your Meditation Guide

Meditation Courses, Healing Sessions, Live Zoom & Course Pack Sale

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Offering Meditation 5 Week Courses on Monday & Tuesday Nights. Updated dates & times in the table below.

Up to 16 attendees are allowed in Martin Hall, 3 Wetherill Street, just off Norton Street in Leichhardt behind the Townhall.

We have started the five week meditation courses at Martin Hall, 3 Wetherill St, Leichhardt. Join Us!


New Meditation course dates by Senka timetable October 2024, Monday

Your health and wellness starts one step at a time, make the first step to get your life back on track today!
Join my Guided Chakra Healing Meditation Course InStudio or via Zoom.

Meditation is a process and not an instant solution.

Classic rule for home page, guided chakra meditation in Australia for beginners

Just as you train your body when working out, you do the same for your brain with mediation. Meditation can be very intense for some people, but everyone’s experience is different. Many join my meditation classes in Sydney for a variety of reasons, often it’s for stress management, anxiety management, feeling down, illness, fast pace of life or just that life isn’t going the way they hoped. Whatever your reasons you are starting something that is going to really change the way you view your world!

Researchers have found that those who regularly practise meditation were dramatically decreasing their risk of infertility, high blood pressure, pain and even rheumatoid arthritis. The researchers dubbed this the “relaxation effect”, a phenomenon that can produce the same effects as medication without the side effects.

Our meditation classes in Sydney are designed so that you get maximum benefits in the very first meditation course of five classes. Senka is your meditation guide that leads you through the session so that you are able to achieve the “relaxation effect” without having to do the hard work. It’s easy to get started, just click on the button at the bottom of this page to buy your first course – if joining a meditation course is not for you, then you can always practise meditation from the comfort of your own home using Senka’s Meditation Course that spans over four months. Click here to find out more.

It has been a great year in 2019 with all the new people I have met through the meditation courses. Firstly, to all who have joined, become regulars and the new people I am about to meet, a big thank you to you all. By joining my meditation courses and supporting me, you make it possible for me to keep sharing these gifts of healing to the community around Sydney and in due course, around the world. I am always so inspired watching so many shift, heal, change and grow as their soul frequency continues to rise as they attend the classes within the courses. Lets heal each other and most of all lets heal the earth together. It is time to unlock the power stored within each and every one of you.

Assist Your meditation experience with Crystal healing

Chakra Guided Meditations - Buddha head meditation divider

Crystals are extraordinary in the way they can help balance and enhance your energy during my guided meditations. Each and every crystal is unique with its own properties and frequencies. Here are a few to choose from and soon will be adding more to my collection to share with you.

About Earth Element Guided Meditation in Sydney

Chakra Guided Meditations - Buddha head meditation divider
healing meditations sydney australia guided by Senka

Earth Element Guided Healing Meditatation has been created to help guide those that attend to heal, detox energetically and once again connect to your very own soul clearly. Lets ascend together.

Learn More

Our Status in Numbers

Meditation Blog Articles

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How Meditation Changes the Brain. The Brain (Before and After) Meditation

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Meditation to Increase Concentration, Improve Memory and Focus

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How Guided Chakra Meditation Assists with Deeper Sleep and Healing

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How the Earth Element Energy Healing Helped Get My Family Member out of the Emergency Ward

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