The best way to empower yourself and minimise the effects of Narcissists is to send them Love.

Yes, that’s right! By sending them Love, they are unfamiliar with this pure and powerful energy and their bad behaviour will shrink and gradually dissolve, eventually packing up and leaving or going quiet. You only need to practise this meditation a few minutes a day, every day.

My Experience (so many I know have shared similar experiences sadly)

I have been practising this now for a couple of weeks with a Psychopathic Narcissist neighbour. Someone I have not communicated with for 8 years and a neighbour attacking me non stop over this time? Every day I have been sending loving energy to her heart chakra from my heart. Naturally asking permission of her higher self to do so, as I have shared in the video below. I am finding everything is becoming quieter on the other side of the fence. The negativity is starting to fizzle out.

The unbalanced neighbour is quieter now. Another beautiful psychic I have come to know shared this technique with me. She applied the same as she had a neighbour that would practise drumming to the earlier hours of the morning, then one day, she packed up and moved out. So it is an effective technique and a great way to continue to heal each other and the earth. This technique makes sense, as Love is a much higher vibrational energy and will always override any lower darker energies.

This video shows you how to empower yourself and heal yourself from narcissistic and emotional abuse with this guided meditation. Enjoy the guided healing meditation to help with your recovery when exposed to such draconian unhealthy humans. By shining the light of Love, you will rise above all this in unique ways that you will soon discover.


Most of us have experienced the shocking behaviour of Psychopathic Narcissists and are a real problem in society.

The symptoms listed below help you to identify this poor behaviour;

  • Their sense of self-importance is hugely exaggerated.
  • They require constant and excessive admiration from others. They feel they are self-entitled to anything they desire.
  • Expect to be recognised as unrivalled by others even without any achievements to share
  • To get what they want, they will take full advantage of others.
  • They do not acknowledge or take into consideration the needs and feelings of others




• - Diseases and Conditions. Narcissistic Personality Disorder. Symptoms and Causes


The best way to empower yourself and minimise the effects of Narcissists is to send them Love. Yes, that’s right! By sending them Love, they are unfamiliar with this pure and powerful energy and their bad behaviour will shrink and gradually dissolve, eventually packing up and leaving or going quiet. You only need to practise […]

Tags: Meditation for Narcissistic Abus