Best Guided Sleep Meditation for Insomia and Anxiety (Plus Improve Physical and Mental Health)

Best Guided Sleep Meditation for Insomnia, healing and anxiety Ashfield. The 2 ringtail babies that were in my care and survived the night upon rescue, are a perfect inspiration!

Best Guided Sleep Meditation in Sydney

I would like to welcome all the new people who have joined me and participated in my live meditations via zoom over the past year. It’s great having you in our circles, continuing with the incredible healing and relaxation meditation we experience every week.

The photo above are two baby ringtail possums that came into my care. They survived the night and found them sleep snuggly together in each other’s care and love. Nature is so pure and divine, from this magical moment and photograph the wildlife shows you how to sleep well. I feel a perfect image to use for this article. Also, 30% of the money we receive from our meditation participants goes straight to Sydney Wildlife Rescue and Care. More volunteers are needed as so much wildlife needs our help. Especially after the fires of 2019.

The meditation allows all of us to anchor the God-light on earth helping her to raise her vibrations as we all move into five-dimensional frequencies and being healed yourself in the process. The connection between meditation and sleep is a scientific fact (more on this below).

Surviving the Changes in the Past Year and New Energy of this Year

The most important thing to do is keep your mind focused on what you have right in your present moment.

One way to achieve focus is to begin the process of regular meditation. The benefits of meditation have been studied for years. It improves sleep(*1-3), lowers stress and tension(*4-5), lowers blood pressure levels and maintains a healthy heart(*6-8). Concentration on the needs of your body and mind is an effective way to see results.

Chakra Centres

Eastern cultures talk about “chakra centres” where different aspects of our lives are held. These centres also correspond to western medicine neurological plexus. Working on personal meditation with a focus on these areas has been proven to solve many physical and emotional issues. This knowledge is shared in the Vedas. You can learn more about Guided Vedic Meditations Online via Zoom on this link.

Root Chakra

One example is the root chakra, located at the bottom of your spine. Represented by the colour red, the root chakra corresponds with your sacral and pudendal plexus and is said to be the place where we hold our trust problems. Negativity in this area can lead to issues with related nearby organs, such as the kidneys, liver and stomach. For those who struggle trusting others, or even trusting themselves to perform correctly in front of others, the root chakra is an important area to focus on during meditation.

Heart Chakra

Another chakra regularly focussed on in meditation is the heart chakra. Represented by the colour green, the heart chakra connects with the cardiac plexus. It handles our love – both our ability to give and to receive it from others. Everyone wants to be loved by others, and “heartbreak” can become a very real thing within the heart chakra and cardiac plexus, leading to issues such as heart disease. Researchers have proven the importance of friendship and relations with other humans, as well as the importance of a positive, loving relationship with ourselves.

Time to Work Out

Eastern medicine believes in another five chakras throughout the body that all provide different energy needs. Meditation is a popular way to access these areas and effectively “work out” these parts of ourselves. Just like eating a healthy diet and exercising are essential to our health, so too is the process of focused meditation on our chakras.

Physical and Spiritual Health

Despite many cultures following a physical-only or spiritual-only doctrine of healthcare, the human body is very much integrated with these two differing aspects. Bad physical decisions can lead to adverse effects on our spiritual side and vice versa. Our body doesn’t just react to diet, but also to emotions and the environment in which we live. The entirety of both our physical and spiritual beings create the world in which we live every day.

Relaxation meditation gives us a chance to reconnect with this spiritual side of ourselves. It allows us to relax, escape the physical world for a little while and recharge our batteries on a level which we cannot reach physically. Meditation can help us cope with physical ailments much easier and bring us a deeper level of peace and acceptance of our circumstances.

I will continue to share more wisdom on the ancient meditations that were flown out from an ashram in India, with you in the next newsletter.


Meditation – Life is What You Make it

Why not find the very best in each situation and enjoy it to the full, no matter where you are or what you are doing? Never waste time and energy wishing you were somewhere else, doing something else.

You may not always understand why you find yourself where you are, but you may be sure there is a very good reason and that there is a lesson to be learnt. Do not fight against it but find out what that lesson is and learn it quickly so that you can move forward to a new future. You would not want to remain dormant and unevolved, would you?

As you cease resisting and simply accept the lessons to be learnt, taking them all in your stride, you will find you will grow in your life easily and open your eyes to the beauty of the natural world and the wildlife we share our precious earth with. When you reach this state of joy and higher vibrations, you will begin to realise how powerful and infinite you are. What is more, you will enjoy the changes that will take place. A plant does not resist growth or change; it merely flows with it and unfolds in true perfection. You can do the same?

Practice Meditation Regularly – Sleep, Rest and Welcome Abundance into Your Life

Just a reminder that I always welcome you to my healing meditations in Norton Street, Leichhardt, Sydney and online via Zoom, where ever you are. I am sure you remember how well you slept after your first or second meditation and how good you felt over the next few days, as the energy I channel into you lasts a long time.

The energy shared in my guided healing meditations raise you gradually into fourth, fifth and six-dimensional frequencies and out of the low three dimensional frequencies that are now starting to dissolve all around us. Hence the changes in the world right now. We are all awakening and moving into the Golden Age. Those that chose to stay in the low dark vibrations, will eventually disappear.

With the regular practice of meditation, you can truly bring yourself back to balance, health and peace. We share the best-guided meditations for sleep and insomnia, leading you to experience the great feeling of empowerment to then create the life you want to live. You will see the world differently. Everything will be more beautiful with boundless abundance and opportunities. So, I welcome you to return and keep up the practice of meditation to bring yourself back to your inner power and wisdom. For when you are aligned within, mind, body and spirit, this is where your power begins.

Another lovely video testimonial to share with you all. She lives in Drummoyne and finds my meditations in the inner west conveniently close and easy to get to in the evenings.


References*1. Black, D.S. & Slavich, G.M. Mindfulness Meditation and the Immune System:A Systematic Review of Randomized Controlled Trials. Annals of the New YorkAcademy of Sciences. 2016; 1373, 13-24.*2. Black, D.S, O’Reilly, G.A, Olmstead, R, Breen, E.C & Irwin, M.R.Mindfulness Meditation and Improvement in Sleep Quality and Daytime ImpairmentAmong Older Adults With Sleep Disturbances: A Randomized Clinical Trial.JAMA Internal Medicine. 2015; 175, 494-501.*3. Nagendra, R, Maruthai, N and Kutty, B. Meditation and Its Regulatory Roleon Sleep. Frontiers in Neurology, 2012; 3.*4. Jung, Y-H, Kang, D-H, Jang, J.H, Park, H.Y, Byun, M.S, Kwon, S.J, Jang,G-E, Lee, U.S., An, S.C & Kwon, J.S. The Effects of Mind–Body Training onStress Reduction, Positive Affect, and Plasma Catecholamines. NeuroscienceLetters. 2010; 479, 138-142.*5. Turakitwanakan, W, Mekseepralard, C & Busarakumtragul, P. Effects ofMindfulness Meditation on Serum Cortisol of Medical Students. J Med AssocThai. 2013; 96, S90-5.*6. Barnes, V.A, Davis, H.C, Murzynowski, J.B & Treiber, F.A.Impact of Meditation on Resting and Ambulatory Blood Pressure and Heart Rate in Youth.Psychosomatic Medicine. 2004; 66, 909-914.*7. Tacón, A.M, McComb, J, Caldera, Y & Randolph, P. Mindfulness Meditation,Anxiety Reduction, and Heart Disease: A Pilot Study. Family & Community Health.2003; 26, 25-33.*8. Schneider, R.H, Grim, E.C, Rainforth, M.V, Kotchen, T, Nidich, S.I,Gaylord-King, C, Salerno, J.W, Kotchen, J.M & Alexander, C.N. Stress Reductionin the Secondary Prevention of Cardiovascular Disease. Circulation:Cardiovascular Quality and Outcomes. 2012; 5, 750-758.




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