Earth Star Chakra Guided Meditation

Earth Star Chakra Guided Meditation, mother earth Gaia Meditation, Heal, Ground and Protect.

Meditation to ground protect and heal

The Earth Star Chakra, laying about six to twelve inches below our feet, is often considered the foundation of our entire chakra system. While not one of the traditional seven chakras, its significance in grounding and connecting us to the Earth’s energies is profound. A guided meditation focused on the Earth Star Chakra can help you feel more centered, balanced, and energetically connected to the Earth and your inner self.

What is the Earth Star Chakra?

The Earth Star Chakra is believed to be a transpersonal chakra, existing outside the physical body but deeply connected to it. This chakra is linked to the energy of the Earth and acts as an anchor, rooting us into the planet’s life force. When the Earth Star Chakra is activated and balanced, it enhances our sense of stability, grounding, and well-being. It also plays a crucial role in healing as it helps to release negative energy and emotional blockages into the Earth, where they can be transformed.

Benefits of Earth Star Chakra Guided Meditation

• Deep Grounding: One of the primary benefits of meditating on the Earth Star Chakra is its profound sense of grounding. In our fast-paced, technology-driven world, feeling disconnected from nature and the physical world is easy. Grounding helps us to reconnect with the Earth, fostering a sense of safety, stability, and calm.

• Energetic Cleansing: The Earth Star Chakra is a conduit for releasing and purging negative energies and emotional blockages. Through guided meditation, you can visualise these unwanted energies flowing out of your body and into the Earth, where they are neutralised and transformed. This cleansing process can leave you feeling lighter, more balanced, and energetically rejuvenated.

• Enhanced Healing: The grounding effect of the Earth Star Chakra is not just about feeling more stable; it also has powerful healing implications. By grounding your energy, you allow your body to enter a state of deep relaxation, which is essential for healing. This chakra also helps integrate spiritual energies into the physical body, aiding overall healing.

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How to Practice Earth Star Chakra Guided Meditation to ground and protect

To begin, find a quiet, comfortable space where you won’t be disturbed. If possible, sit or lie down with your spine straight and your feet flat on the floor. Close your eyes and take a few deep breaths, allowing your body to relax.

Visualise a radiant ball of energy beneath your feet, representing the Earth Star Chakra. Imagine this energy expanding and growing stronger, connecting you deeply to the Earth. As you breathe in, draw power from the Earth into your body, feeling it fill you with strength and stability. As you exhale, visualise any negative energies or blockages released from your body and flowing into the Earth.

Continue this process, allowing yourself to sink deeper into the meditation. You might feel a warming sensation, a sense of heaviness, or a deep calmness—these are signs that your Earth Star Chakra is becoming activated and balanced. Stay in this meditative state for as long as you feel comfortable, allowing the healing and grounding energy of the Earth to work through you.

Earth Star Chakra guided meditation is a powerful tool for grounding and healing. By connecting deeply with the Earth’s energy, you can release negativity, enhance your well-being, and restore balance to your life. Regular meditation can help you feel more centered, calm, and in tune with your inner self and the world around you.

Mother Earth Gaia Meditation with Senka

The second meditation in each session of the five-week course focuses on the Mother Earth Healing Meditation. I have been dedicated to earth healing and awakening humanity to the beauty of nature for over seventeen years. It’s time for us to rise from the sleep of ignorance and embrace the truth—the power we can harness by replanting the native trees, shrubs, and grasses that once surrounded us starting in our very own yards.

The colonialism of the past eradicated these trees and wildlife to create the dark, grey cities we now see, plagued by concrete decay. By reconnecting with the Earth, you can cultivate your salads and vegetables with love, turning them into living food. This living food will, in turn, heal your physical body and help you access your innate psychic abilities. Many of us are still asleep, yet to awaken to our true power and potential.

The five-week guided meditation course with Senka will help you awaken from this slumber and experience Earth’s and nature’s magic in ways you have never imagined. In time, you will see the vibrant, living colours of all the elements around you and free your mind from the stress and anxiety that society imposes daily. Once your mind is free and clear of this clutter, the life force will flow through your mind and body. With it comes God’s light and the awakening of your true self—a living being of light, carrying the essence of God within.

Join my next five week guided chakra healing meditation course today!

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