Category Archives: Health Benefits of Meditation

10 benefits of meditation & Earth Healing with Instant Results

As you delve into the practice of quieting the mind and tuning into your inner [...]

Benefits of Meditation for Mental Health

How Meditation Helps with Focus, Stress and Anxiety (Psychotherapy & Psychology Perspective) The benefits of [...]

Guided Meditation to Reduce & Release Stress for Carers

Whether Caring for Family Members, the Elderly, the Disabled or Our Wildlife, You Need Time [...]

How Guided Meditation Helps to Overcome Fear

Is it Possible to Overcome Fear, Anxiety and Stress When Fear is Everywhere? We have [...]

Three Famous Celebrities That Benefit from Daily Meditation

Proven Physical Health Benefits from daily meditations  Meditation improves core psychological and physical assets, including [...]


Health Benefits of Guided Meditation for Amygdala the Brain and Body

Effects of Guided Meditation on the Amygdala Brain and Body • You are overwhelmed and [...]