How Guided Meditation Helps to Overcome Fear

Is it Possible to Overcome Fear, Anxiety and Stress When Fear is Everywhere? We have [...]

Three Famous Celebrities That Benefit from Daily Meditation

Proven Physical Health Benefits from daily meditations  Meditation improves core psychological and physical assets, including [...]


Mother Earth Healing and Grounding Your Energy Guided Meditation

Grounding and Centering Meditation, filling you with light in these challenging times. It is important [...]


What is the Meaning of Empathy?

What is an empathetic person? Have you ever had people point out that you are [...]

Health Benefits of Guided Meditation for Amygdala the Brain and Body

Effects of Guided Meditation on the Amygdala Brain and Body • You are overwhelmed and [...]

Alpha Brainwave Meditation: What are the Benefits?

What is an Alpha Brainwave State and association with increases in creativity, intuition and inspiration? [...]

What are the Benefits of Theta Brainwave Meditation?

Why do I fall asleep while meditating? Many beginners starting my meditations begin to experience [...]

Uluru Update ‘Magic Box’ Prophecy – Successfully Activated

Thanks to the Original Elders of this sacred land, Timothy for reaching out to me [...]


The Aboriginal Prophecy- Why We are Focusing on Activating the ‘Magic Box’ in Uluru

Healing and Activating the ‘Magic Box’ in Uluru with our Meditations Using the technique of [...]

What Happens When Modern Science Catches Up with Ancient Healing? Bioenergetic Frequency Healing

For Illness, Pain, Inflammation, Stress, Energy, Clarity and More. Quantum Physics Frequency Healing Imagine your [...]