White Buffalo Prophecy & Chief Golden Eagle from the Sioux reservation in Dakota

White buffalo Indian prophecy, Sioux Hopi Prophecy rainbow tribes

Chief Golden Light Eagle is a hereditary and Sundance Chief from the Ihunktowan Naktoa Nation from South Dakota. He is known as a national speaker on the subjects of Universal and Spiritual Law.

In this video Chief Golden Eagle talks about the elements of the earth.
The air, the fire the water and also the individual responsibilities we have of the earth as well.

In this video, Chief Golden Eagle talks about the elements of the Earth. The air, the fire, the water, and our responsibilities for the Earth are also necessary.

What his elders have shared may be a little different from that of other tribes. The White Nation was meant to be responsible for fire, the Yellow Nation was responsible for air, the Black Nation was responsible for protecting water, and the Red Nation was meant to protect the Earth.

It is very difficult today for the Red Nations to protect the Earth because of the abuse of fire, the splitting of the atom, the abuse of water, and the contamination of the air.

We must look at it differently now as we are one human race. We have separated ourselves from the original blood, you could say. Blacks marrying whites, whites marrying Asians. Reds are marrying whites, Irish, and British into French—a cross over of nations that have embedded into the new way of what we call the rainbow bridge.

The prophecy of the rainbow nations. All the races have now combined their blood into one.

We are all combined now, and it is our job as the human race to work on the issues. Many are working on the problems of oil spills and issues with air and water. Some are working on a mental level to develop solutions to problems.

They are looking at it on a very physical level as well. So now it is our job to look at it on a spiritual level. So, as a rainbow nation of the human race as a conglomerate of light, we need to come together as a collective to help each other because we are in this together. We are about oneness, about working together.

Pray on this level; those with spiritual minds pray together so those closest to working on the problem can find the answer. Allow those open in their heart to let the answer come through. The prayers can spark the idea that will lead the fish species to good health, the birds being bothered, the shorelines, the plants, and the trees of life. We have to take care of have to take care of our waters. This is what it is about. The waters that mothers experience of this universe and this Earth. We are about water, the Aquarius, let’s be together and let’s be of one heart.

Significance of the White Buffalo Prophecy

The American Indian prophecy of the white buffalo being born in 2024 holds significant cultural and spiritual meaning for many Native American tribes, particularly the Lakota (Sioux). The birth of a white buffalo calf is considered a sacred event, symbolizing hope, renewal, and the fulfilment of ancient prophecies.

White Buffalo Prophecy: The Sacred Birth in Yellowstone

The recent birth of a sacred white buffalo calf in Yellowstone National Park’s Lamar Valley fulfils an important Native American prophecy. According to spiritual leaders, this event signifies that people must take better care of Mother Earth and unite.
Chief Arvol Looking Horse, the spiritual leader of the Lakota, Dakota, and Nakota people, addressed around 500 people on the north shore of Hebgen Lake.

He emphasised the urgency of this prophecy, stating, “It’s up to every one of you to make it happen for the future of our children. We must come together and bring that good energy back.” As the 19th Generation Keeper of the Sacred White Buffalo Calf Pipe and Bundle, Looking Horse played a significant role in the ceremony.

During the event, which took place just west of Yellowstone, Looking Horse unveiled a buffalo hide painted with a portrait of the calf, naming it Wakan Gli, which means “Sacred Return.” This name reflects the profound spiritual significance of the white buffalo’s birth.

Representatives from various tribes, including the Shoshone-Bannock, Lakota, Sioux, Northern Arapaho, and Colville tribes, participated in the ceremony. They conveyed a message that the birth of Wakan Gli serves as a warning about the current state of the world but also offers guidance on how to improve it. Darnell Sam, the Wenatchi Salmon Chief and a member of the Colville Confederated Tribes explained, “Understand that our ancestors come here, and when we come here, those spirits of our ancestors wake up, and we introduce ourselves to the land.”

Chief Looking Horse recounted the ancient legend of the White Buffalo Calf Woman. In a time of scarcity and suffering, she appeared to the Lakota people, bringing the sacred red-stone pipe and teaching them how to pray to the creator. She promised to return one day as a white buffalo calf. The prophecy foretold that her return would signal a time when Mother Earth would be distressed and need healing.

“This is a prophecy that has been fulfilled,” Looking Horse declared, emphasizing the need for people to heed the message and take action to care for the Earth. The ceremony included prayers, songs, and reflections on the meaning of the white buffalo and its significance to the tribes and their heritage.

White buffalo Indian prophecy born in June, photo credits go to Jordan Creech
White buffalo Indian prophecy born in June, photo credits go to Jordan Creech 

Devin, Old Man of the Northern Arapaho Tribe, highlighted the importance of reconnecting with nature and paying attention to our interactions as human beings. “Look at the interactions we have as human beings because there’s something we’re missing there,” he said. “And it’s just as simple as sitting underneath the tree, listening to the birds, watching the bees get the honey. Paying attention to these wild animals because they’re in their natural habitat.”

The white buffalo calf, first photographed in early June by Erin Braaten in the Lamar Valley, has been elusive since. Yellowstone National Park staff have yet to spot it, but its presence has already stirred excitement and curiosity. Mike Mease, the campaign coordinator for the Buffalo Field Campaign, expressed his honour in holding the ceremony, noting the buffalo’s role as protectors of the land and the lessons they teach about unity and survival.

Chief Looking Horse reflected on his role as the sacred pipe and bundle keeper, a responsibility he assumed at 12. His grandmother warned that if people did not change their ways, he might be the last sacred bundle keeper, a thought that weighs heavily on him.

The White Buffalo Prophecy, highlighted by the birth of Wakan Gli, is a powerful reminder of the need for unity, respect for nature, and a return to traditional values. It calls on all people to come together, bring positive energy, and work towards the healing and preservation of Mother Earth.

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